Games2win Media

DARE – Mobile App Solutions by Games2win!

DARE by Games2win

Games2win has 53 million mobile games app downloads and a hyper active user base that loves to play games. In India, we routinely clock anywhere between 20-30k downloads a day in India and  70-80k downloads worldwide.

The Insight
Games2win’s games are snacky, fun and free! Consumers get in, play, return, level up and compete for top scores.

While analyzing the emotion to compete, we notice that a small incentive (e.g. Rs. 100 mobile recharge prizes) goes a long way in retaining consumers and also making them sweat to play and win! Because our games are pure play, non ‘gambling’ themed, there is no restriction in giving away prizes in cash and kind in India!

The Innovation
Typically, our CRM team contacts winners via mail and tops up their mobile number with a free recharge.

As a first ever innovation, we partnered with Citrus Cash – a leading digital payments solution company funded by Sequoia Capital that has an amazing consumer friendly wallet app.

For our game Bat2win, we injected prize money into Citrus Cash apps and informed winners that all they needed to do was to download the Citrus Cash app, register and start enjoying the free money they found inside!

The Results
What we have achieved in partnership with Citrus is delivered deep, engaged users who have migrated from Games2win and happily engaged with a world class Digital Wallet app using the simple and effective ideas of gamification.

This idea is what we call DARE – Downloads, Activation, Registration and Engagement – all delivered as a seamless solution vs. the broken and friction riddled process of digital mobile app marketing for consumer acquisition

The Offer
Games2win is happy to engage with you and customize a solution that could deliver deep, engaged app users for your Business!

Contact –
Amit Baliga
Email –

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