-By Alok Kejriwal (CEO and Co-Founder of Games2win)
In the top dress-up mobile games that we publish at Games2win India Pvt Ltd, we have a final screen before the player hits submit.
On that screen, we traditionally present the player with the ‘potential’ scores of all the assets she may have used to play that level and identify any missing assets. This is a crucial screen and typically results in the player revising her submission basis any low scores.
In an A-B experiment we conducted, we created an alternate screen in which we eliminated the score and just showed a tick mark if the assets were in place or a red exclamation if anything was missing.
The Analytical Hypothesis:
Let players play the games without judging them too much. Just tell them if they have missed anything, but don’t go too granular.
Nudge, don’t judge 🙂
Tick Screen vs Score Screen
iTunes & Android Global & USA avg: (Per player, across 30 days)
Gameplays : 3-10% improvement!
Retention : 3-7% improvement
Revenue : -1 – +17% decline/ improvement
As you would have guessed, we’ve implemented the Tick Screen and retired the Score Screen 🙂
- A-B experiments are the lifeblood of any digital business. Keep pounding.
- Change everything that exists and see what happens 🙂
- Fix things that ain’t broken 🙂