A very, very, proud moment for Games2win India Pvt Ltd

Via Data gathered from Priori Data our Android Game – International Fashion Stylist scored the HIGHEST GLOBAL DOWNLOADS IN THE WORLD as a Dress Up Game in the RPG ranks on Google Play!

Check the one slider for details!

Lessons learned:
– “Creative Software” can be India’s future – NOT just “IT services.”
– “Indian Products” can rule the world. It’s HIGH TIME we went beyond being ‘service slaves’ to the world.
– MADE ‘FROM’ INDIA beats Made ‘FOR’ India 100x.
– Games is the biggest business in Entertainment worldwide. And Indian Companies WILL LEAD THE WAY.
– “Internet” companies DO NOT HAVE TO BE ‘loss-making’, VC parasitic businesses. There will be Games2win + millions more who will show the world how PROFITABILITY “IS THE REAL” thing 🙂