Request for Proposal for Process Consultants – Mobile Games

Request for Proposal for Process Consultants – Mobile Games About Games2win Games2win (G2W) is the publisher of Parking Frenzy, the game with over 14 million downloads worldwide on iOS and Android. Parking Frenzy was also ranked #1 on the US iTunes Appstore. Our...

iPhone Games Landscape

Mobile games have exploded in the last couple of years, with 120,000 active game currently on the Apple app store. This segment has always fascinated me, and as such I decided to do some research to get a overview of the iPhone games landscape. To get a better...

Request for Proposals for Mobile Game Art Partners

Looking for Mobile Game Art Partners! About Games2win Games2win (G2W) is the publisher of Parking Frenzy, the game with over 10 million downloads worldwide on iOS and Android. Parking Frenzy was also ranked #1 on the US iTunes Appstore. Our other hit games include...

Games2win USA appoints Chris Beech

Games2win USA appoints Chris Beech San Francisco – July 16, 2012 Games2win USA announced the appointment of Chris Beech as a Games Developer for its USA business operations. Chris Beech Chris Beech, 40, is a veteran of casual games and has many international hits to...